Hi, if you are beginner and want to create database table in laravel 8 so this post is very useful. in laravel we need to create database table through migration. laravel providing migration command that helps we can create/remove database table and its column. Table of contents 1) Migration 2) Rollback 3) add new column […]
Month: January 2023
Form Validation In Laravel 8
in any website, we can see different type of forms validation available . we need to validate forms because it will create a bunch of garbage data in database. if we will specify which type of data we require so it will store proper data in database table. we need to overcome garbage data to […]
Difference between == vs === in JavaScript
Hello, == and === operator difference very confusing. today I am explaining you difference between == vs === in javascript. we can use both operator for comparison. ==(Double Equals Operator) === (Triple Equals Operator) It will used when compare variables or values. It will also used when compare variables/values. It is use when we are unsure about the data […]
Laravel Passport integration
if you want to develop mobile application so Web Services is very important, you need to create API. As we know laravel is very popular because of creating API but if you are beginner and want to know how to create API and webservices you are in right place. I will show how to create simple […]
How to send OTP in the email on registration using Laravel API
if you want to apply send OTP on user registration and after OTP verify make and update to true is_email_verified field in users table. user can able to login if field is_email_verified is true .I understand you have already is_email_verified in users table. Step 1. I am creating new migration for adding new field in […]
A quick guide to Install Laravel 8 on Windows 10 localhost Wamp server
Laravel is a web application framework created in PHP language. it is open-source framework. it provide functionality for building powerful and robust applications. it provided a structure that saves lots of time and plan for large applications to develop in laravel. Below I mentioning some steps to install laravel in Wamp server. Table of Contents […]
how to turn off autocomplete for form’s input field in React JS?
I am explaining you, how to turn off autocomplete for form’s input field in React JS. here is very easy process to turn off autocomplete in input fields in form. I am giving some explanation to turn off separately input fields and other through form’s. Table of Contents – 1. Disable with Entire Form 2. […]