How to send OTP in the email on registration using Laravel API
if you want to apply send OTP on user registration and after OTP verify make and update to true is_email_verified field in users table. user can able to login if field is_email_verified is true .I understand you have already is_email_verified in users table. Step 1. I am creating new migration…
A quick guide to Install Laravel 8 on Windows 10 localhost Wamp server
Laravel is a web application framework created in PHP language. it is open-source framework. it provide functionality for building powerful and robust applications. it provided a structure that saves lots of time and plan for large applications to develop in laravel. Below I mentioning some steps to install laravel in…
how to turn off autocomplete for form’s input field in React JS?
I am explaining you, how to turn off autocomplete for form’s input field in React JS. here is very easy process to turn off autocomplete in input fields in form. I am giving some explanation to turn off separately input fields and other through form’s. Table of Contents – 1…
how to generate JSON file with read content from Google spreadsheet in php?
I am explaining you, how to generate JSON file with read content from Google spread sheet in php.. if you have any requirement to read Google spead sheet and generate JSON file or want JSON type content so this post is very userful to you. I am explaining, you can…
how to calculate number of Age from date of birth in PHP?
I am explaining you, how to calculate number of Age from date of birth in PHP. if you want to show user’s age from date of birth so you can use this process and show Age in php. here I will use some function like date(), date_create() and date_diff() that…
PHP how to get all the keys of an associative array?
I am explaining you, how to get all the keys of an associative array in PHP. we need to use PHP array_keys() function to extract the keys in an associative array. Example : Output : Otherway, I will apply foreach loop so it will also show key and its related…
How to get browser window width and height in Javascript ?
Hi Folks, I am explaining you how to get browser window width and height in Javascript . we can get dimensions of the browser window height and width peoperties using window object in javascript. window.outerWidth : using the javascript code. it will provide overall width of the browser window.window.outerHeight :…
How to merge two array into single array in php ?
I am explaining you, how to merge two array into single array in php. we can use array_merge() function in php code so that will merge two different array into single I having two array called arrayfirst and arraysecond array, I will merge both array into single array with…
PHP How to check if a variable is null?
I am explaining you, how to check if a variable is null or not in PHP. I will check null values through is_null() function in PHP. Example : Output :…
PHP how to generate random numbers?
I am explaining you, how to generate random numbers in PHP. I will use rand() function to generate random numbers. rand() function can able to use to generate a random number with specific range like starting number is 1 and ending number id 999 so it will generate random number…
How to select all text content of input textarea in ReactJS
Today, I am explaining you, how to select all text content of input textarea in ReactJS. if you are working in ReactJS so this post in very useful to you. I will show you through some events like onClick, onFocus and useRef hook. I am explaining you three ways with…
How to remove spaces from string in ReactJS
Today, I am explaining you, if you are working in ReactJS so how to remove all spaces from string in ReactJS. in some custom requirement we need to remove spaces from string so we can use it. here, I will use string replace function for remove spaces from string. Example…
How to submit HTML Form Using jQuery Ajax in PHP
Hello, In this tutorial, I am explaining you how to submit HTML form’s fields values/data using jQuery Ajax to PHP file. AJAX is useful for send form data to server site without refresh to page. if you want to send data to PHP file without reload you need to use…
use parseInt() in JavaScript
in this post, I will explain about the parseInt function in JavaScript. how to use parseInt() in JavaScript. parseInt() parses a string and returns as an integer or NaN. The main purpose of use the parseInt function is to extract number from a string. it returns value to an actual…
How to Install Magento 2 on Wamp Windows
Hello folks, I am explaining you, if you are looking how to install Magento 2 version(2.3.0) so this post is very useful for you. here you need to have Wamp server installed in localhost and Magento 2.3.0 that requires for PHP(7.2). I am giving you some scratch and step by…
How to use/format dates in ReactJS
I am explaining you, how to use/format dates in ReactJS.ReactJS is a JavaScript library so you can easily use Javascript code. here my current component name is Unity.if you want to use/change dates format so you need to install moment package in ReactJS. below I mentioning you package install command…
How to Import Mysql database with use of command line?
I am explaining you, how to Import Mysql database with use of command line.When you have large size of database then you can not easily import from phpmyadmin. so you need to use mysql import command for it. so here I am writing simple command to import large size database…
How to use react-bootstrap modal in ReactJS
I am explaining you, how to use react-bootstrap modal in are familiar with the alert() message box it is visible/show on the header of the page. but it is not interactive. so we need to use bootstrap modal popup in reactJS. it is easily integrate and use in ReactJS…
How to use Inline & Inline-block display in CSS
I am explaining you, how to use Inline & Inline-block display in CSS. display properly define how the components are going to be place/show. Syntax : Inline-block display an element as an inline-level block container. in inline-block the top and bottom margins/paddings are respected. you can set height and width…
How to use react-select in ReactJS
I am explaining you, how to use react-select in any web project, select/dropdown element is widely used html element. if you want to use select element in ReactJS you need to install first “react-select” package. below I mentioning you package install command through npm. After installed this package on…
How to pass value from iframe to parent
I am explaining you, how to pass value from iframe to parent end.through iframe creates an inline frame in which we can put another page. We can send values from iframe to the parent page and parent to iframe side with the use of javascript code. In this example I…
Magento 2 useful command Part 3
if you are magento 2 developer so this post is helpful to you. before I created one blog called “Magento 2 useful command Part 1” so I mentioned some command related to Cache, Admin, Modules, Indexer and Info commands. in second blog “Magento 2 useful command Part 2” I mentioned…
Magento 2 useful command Part 2
if you are magento 2 developer so this post is helpful to you. before I created one blog called “Magento 2 useful command Part 1” so I mentioned some command related to Cache, Admin, Modules, Indexer and Info commands. now in this post I will share some other command like…
How we can use forEach loop in React JS
I am explaining you, how to use foreach loop in React JS. the foreach loop is considered as it is an array, it will iterate each item from an array with help of a callback. I hope you have knowledge of javascript fundamental. below is the example of javascript forEach…