if you are magento 2 developer so this post is helpful to you. before I created one blog called “Magento 2 useful command Part 1” so I mentioned some command related to Cache, Admin, Modules, Indexer and Info commands. now in this post I will share some other command like Store, Deploy, Available, Sampledata, Cron, Config, Encryption, Maintenance and Braintree etc. I have also mentioning short command as well so you can use this command.
Store Commands –
Here list of some command that are Magento 2 store related command. like store, theme and website etc.
1) it displays list of websites available in magento 2.
Command :
php bin/magento store:website:list
php bin/magento s:w:l
2) it displays the list of stores
Command :
php bin/magento store:list
php bin/magento s:l
3) it uninstalls theme
Command :
php bin/magento theme:uninstall
php bin/magento t:u
Available commands –
Here list of some command that are Magento 2 available command. like help and list type command.
1) it displays help for a command
Command :
php bin/magento help
php bin/magento h
2) it lists commands
Command :
php bin/magento list
php bin/magento l
Deploy commands –
Here list of some command that are Magento 2 deployment. like deploy application mode.
1) it set application mode
Command :
php bin/magento deploy:mode:set
php bin/magento d:m:set
2) it displays current application mode
Command :
php bin/magento deploy:mode:show
php bin/magento d:m:sho
Sampledata command –
Here list of some command that are Magento 2 sampledata management command. like deploy sample data, remove and reset it.
1) it deploy sample data modules for composer-based Magento installations
Command :
php bin/magento sampledata:deploy
php bin/magento sa:d
2) it remove all sample data packages from composer.json
Command :
php bin/magento sampledata:remove
php bin/magento sa:rem
3) it reset all sample data modules for re-installation
Command :
php bin/magento sampledata:reset
php bin/magento sa:res
Cron commands –
Here list of some command that are related to Magento 2 cron. like cron install, remove and run.
1) it generates and install cron for current user
Command :
php bin/magento cron:install
php bin/magento c:in
2) it removes tasks from cron
Command :
php bin/magento cron:remove
php bin/magento c:re
3) it runs cron jobs by schedule
Command :
php bin/magento cron:run
php bin/magento c:r
Catalog commands –
Here list of some command that are related to Magento 2 catalog management. like product attribute and images.
1) it creates resize product images
Command :
php bin/magento catalog:images:resize
php bin/magento c:i:r
2) It removes unused product attributes
Command :
php bin/magento catalog:product:attributes:cleanup
php bin/magento c:p:a:c
Customer commands –
Here list of some command that are related to Magento 2 customer.
1) it will upgrade customer’s hash according to latest algorithm
Command :
php bin/magento customer:hash:upgrade
php bin/magento c:h:u
App commands –
Here list of some command that are related to Magento 2 application. like dump of application, import configuration and check configuration status.
1) it create dump of application
Command :
php bin/magento app:config:dump
php bin/magento a:c:d
2) it import data from configuration files to appropriate data storage
Command :
php bin/magento app:config:import
php bin/magento a:c:i
3) it checks if config propagation requires to update
Command :
php bin/magento app:config:status
php bin/magento a:c:s
Braintree commands –
Here list of some command that are related to Magento 2 braintree cards import from magento 2 database.
1) It migrate stored cards from Magento 1 database
Command :
php bin/magento braintree:migrate
php bin/magento b:m
Config commands –
Here list of some command that are related to Magento 2 Configuration management.
1) it set sensitive configuration values
Command :
php bin/magento config:sensitive:set
php bin/magento c:s:s
2) it change system configuration
Command :
php bin/magento config:set
php bin/magento c:set
3) it shows configuration value for given path. If path is not available so all saved values shown.
Command :
php bin/magento config:show
php bin/magento c:sho
Encryption commands –
Here list of some command that are related to Magento 2 encryption related.
1) it re-encrypts encrypted credit card data with updated encryption cipher data
Command :
php bin/magento encryption:payment-data:update
php bin/magento e:p:u
Maintenance commands –
Here list of some command that are related to Magento 2 Maintenance related.
1) It sets maintenance mode exempt IP address.
Command :
php bin/magento maintenance:allow-ips
php bin/magento ma:a
2) It disables maintenance mode by command
Command :
php bin/magento maintenance:disable
php bin/magento ma:d
3) It enables maintenance mode
Command :
php bin/magento maintenance:enable
php bin/magento ma:e
4) It displays maintenance mode status
Command :
php bin/magento maintenance:status
php bin/magento ma:s
In webdeveloperindia tutorial, I have covered some basic Magento commands. I hope you got this tutorial very useful. If you want to give any feedback or share it in the comments section below.
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